In early January 2023 we published the first in a series of thinkpieces, introducing the concept of ‘thriving trusts’ to describe trusts as organisations where all who learn within them, work within them and come into contact with them, experience them as organisations where they belong and feel supported and inspired.
The imperative behind a shift in language is that – in contrast to the language of ‘effective’ or ‘strong’ trusts, which may feel quite mechanical or top down – we need to bring schools, staff, families, and communities with us in growing trusts and, indeed, in nurturing the trust sector as whole. So, together, we are developing principles and a deeper understanding of what it means to be a thriving trust where all feel connected, understood and supported to flourish in a changing and challenging world. We also know that, for so many, sustainable and ethical growth is a core part of being able to fully thrive, and this remains at the heart of our discussions and thinking.
What are the six principles, as they stand? Thriving Trusts demonstrate:
● A collective vision that galvanises schools and communities to work together in serving the next generation
● Great shared and distributed governance that generates even better support, accountability, and professional- and social-capital
● The culture, capacity and systems that make school to school
improvement at scale an organisational habit
● The ability to draw on collective expertise, resource and support in order to be an employer of choice
● The ability to maximise public funds and generate greater resource to the benefit of pupils, whilst working towards a more environmentally sustainable future
● Local identity and the scale of our reach to be at the heart of our
communities, as a focal point for area-wide, cross-sector partnerships that maximise opportunities for all our children, staff and schools.
The work begins here. In 2023 we are producing and sharing thinkpieces and opening up discussions across our networks about what it means to thrive. There are a number of intentions behind this work. The first is to instigate a sector-wide discussion and to begin to articulate the key elements of what we mean by a thriving trust, ultimately providing leaders with a useful and accessible framework for trust development and success. There is also the opportunity for trust leaders to use the framework as a gateway through which to make a case to schools and communities about the potential of the academy trust model when operating at its very best.
And through the series of thinkpieces shared below, we are seeking to explore, with the input of experts, each of the six principles – providing trust leaders with high quality thought leadership through which they can reflect upon the progress and development of their trusts.

Thriving trusts: Making the case for joining a thriving trust