‘Meaningful action, mindful communication: The role of the CEO within the community’ ‘Meaningful action, mindful communication: The role of the CEO within the community’‘Meaningful action, mindful communication: The role of the CEO within the community’Read More
PURE ACCOUNTABILITY: An accountability vacuum? Let’s shape a purer, more community-focused alternative. PURE ACCOUNTABILITY: An accountability vacuum? Let’s shape a purer, more community-focused alternative.PURE ACCOUNTABILITY: An accountability vacuum? Let’s shape a purer, more community-focused alternative.Read More
6 hints and tips for developing a vision for your MAT 6 hints and tips for developing a vision for your MAT6 hints and tips for developing a vision for your MATRead More
The question of pay? Trustees must begin with robust CEO performance management The question of pay? Trustees must begin with robust CEO performance managementThe question of pay? Trustees must begin with robust CEO performance managementRead More
Overview of Ofsted’s approach to ‘summary evaluations’ of MATs. Overview of Ofsted’s approach to ‘summary evaluations’ of MATs.Overview of Ofsted’s approach to ‘summary evaluations’ of MATs.Read More
Initial thoughts on Ofsted’s summary evaluations of academy trusts Initial thoughts on Ofsted’s summary evaluations of academy trustsInitial thoughts on Ofsted’s summary evaluations of academy trustsRead More
Academy trusts and the importance of using stakeholder feedback to focus on what matters Academy trusts and the importance of using stakeholder feedback to focus on what mattersAcademy trusts and the importance of using stakeholder feedback to focus on what mattersRead More