Our next Chairs of Trustees seminar will take place online March 24th 4-5.30pm. All Chairs whose CEO, COO or Education Executive is a Forum Strategy member, are welcome to join our complimentary half-termly seminars.
This session will focus on two key areas for Trusts. Firstly, Alice Gregson, Executive Director for Forum Strategy will look at the key challenges facing Trusts (and specifically Boards) for 2022, outlining key intelligence we have gathered through Forum Strategy’s work with Boards across England. In the second part, we will then look at Annual Trust Reports, including key legislative updates from Wrigleys Solictors and hearing from Gavin Booth, CEO of Infinity Trust, who have previously successfully compiled a high value, highly impactful annual report. Gavin will outline the process behind gathering together key information and the role of the Chair in enabling this.
Wrigleys Solictors are commercial partners to Forum Strategy as part of a ‘paid-for partnership’ they have with us. In selecting our partners, we also do so with strong reference to their expertise in their field and commitment to Forum Strategy’s values and ethos
4pm – welcome and introduction
4.05pm – Key challenges and trends for Trust Boards in 2022 – Alice Gregson, Executive Director, Forum Strategy
4.40pm – Trust Annual Reports key legislative considerations – Wrigleys Solictors
5.00pm – Trust Annual Reports – developing a highly impactful report and the role of Chair – Gavin Booth, CEO, Infinity Trust
To book onto this event, please use the booking form below.