Thriving Trusts Thinkpiece 3; Reflections on thriving governance

Accountability, Being The CEO, Governance, Growth, Members Only, Professional Development, Thriving Trusts

In Forum Strategy’s first two thinkpieces, the vital role of good governance in thriving trusts is clear and unequivocal. Indeed, it is one of the six key principles that underpin what a thriving trust looks and feels like in practice and is a fundamental part of what it means to thrive as an organisation.

This third thinkpiece builds on the first and second thinkpieces
in that it explores the second principle – namely, ‘great shared and distributed governance’ – in more depth. It is written by Patrick Dunne, a Forum Strategy Associate and an acclaimed author and leading expert in corporate governance across both the third and private-sector, and Michael Pain, founder of Forum Strategy and a leading expert on executive leadership. In the piece, Patrick and Michael provide an external view on some of the key considerations for trusts wishing to demonstrate thriving governance at all levels, and therefore fulfilling one of the most fundamental elements in being a thriving trust. The paper is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive text on successful governance, but rather to ignite discussion and reflection on some of the key themes and considerations when working towards thriving governance.




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