#TrustLeaders Members’ Roundtable – ‘The Cost Pressures Crisis facing Trusts and Schools’ #TrustLeaders Members’ Roundtable – ‘The Cost Pressures Crisis facing Trusts and Schools’#TrustLeaders Members’ Roundtable – ‘The Cost Pressures Crisis facing Trusts and Schools’Read More
The funding challenges for school and trust leaders; rising costs and ambitious expectations The funding challenges for school and trust leaders; rising costs and ambitious expectationsThe funding challenges for school and trust leaders; rising costs and ambitious expectationsRead More
MAT Leaders Resource: Achieving efficiency and financial sustainability MAT Leaders Resource: Achieving efficiency and financial sustainabilityMAT Leaders Resource: Achieving efficiency and financial sustainabilityRead More
The question of pay? Trustees must begin with robust CEO performance management The question of pay? Trustees must begin with robust CEO performance managementThe question of pay? Trustees must begin with robust CEO performance managementRead More
MAT Development: hints, tips and resources for achieving financial sustainability MAT Development: hints, tips and resources for achieving financial sustainabilityMAT Development: hints, tips and resources for achieving financial sustainabilityRead More
Trusts must be ‘investors’ rather than ‘bean counters’ to thrive through austerity Trusts must be ‘investors’ rather than ‘bean counters’ to thrive through austerityTrusts must be ‘investors’ rather than ‘bean counters’ to thrive through austerityRead More
Policy Roundtable Report 3: Sustainability through an age of austerity Policy Roundtable Report 3: Sustainability through an age of austerityPolicy Roundtable Report 3: Sustainability through an age of austerityRead More
MAT Development: hints, tips and resources for achieving financial sustainability MAT Development: hints, tips and resources for achieving financial sustainabilityMAT Development: hints, tips and resources for achieving financial sustainabilityRead More