The importance of making EDI (Equality, diversity and inclusion) a priority in academy trusts can not be overstated. From increasing access to opportunities and improving educational outcomes, to reflecting the community, and raising aspirations, progressing EDI helps to create a culture of respect and belonging for all, that benefits all. In the following article Rachael Gacs shares how EDI is being made a priority across Lionheart Educational Trust, based on a conversation with the trust’s CEO, Kath Kelly. The article explores what strategies have been implemented to help embed EDI at every level of the organisation, and shares advice for other trust leaders looking to further EDI across their own trusts.
Two years ago, a research group was established composed of executive leaders and headteachers from across Lionheart, with the specific purpose of examining issues related to equality, diversity and inclusion. The group’s primary purpose was to ensure that the necessary time, energy and resources were being dedicated to make positive progress on these crucial issues.
For further support on developing EDI across your trust, Forum Strategy offers EDI strategy development days (