Forum Strategy publishes the first national research report into equality, diversity & inclusion amongst CEOs in the Academy Trust sector.
In July, we announced our investment in a national research report, looking into equality, diversity and inclusion amongst academy trust CEOs, the first of it’s kind for the sector. We are delighted to share the full report below. Within the report, we highlight eight key findings and we make ten recommendations to support progress in this vital area for education. The recommendations are split into Trust level considerations and into areas for large, national organisations representing the sector, to progress. At the National CEO Conference in Nottingham on September 29th 2021, we will announce the research findings and recommendations, and highlight where the Trust sector is making some progress but also, where we can do better in future as role models to our children and young people.
We thank our colleagues at Public First, Reza Schwitzer and Ed Dorrell. for their work in pulling this work together and our advisory board colleagues David Watson (CEO Venturers Trust). Nav Sanghara (CEO Woodland Academy Trust), Ranjit Manghnani (Executive Coach) and Sir Steve Lancashire (CEO, Reach2 Academy Trust).
We hope this work will generate reflection and discussion among our members at Forum Strategy and in the sector as a whole. If you would like to get in contact about any elements of this work, please email us at