Doing more with less.

Nic Ponsford – GEC Founder

“When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters — one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” John F. Kennedy
This is the winter of discontent. We all know that the cost of living crisis and funding pressures will make life in education even harder and it is likely widening inequality.
So, how can trust leaders prioritise important work around diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) and find a way to do more with less? Some think it’s impossible.
But, I believe in the art of the possible. And, following Forum Strategy’s CEO and COO network meetings last month (in November), it is clear you all believe this too.
How? By acknowledging that DEI is at the heart of many strategic decisions you will make over the coming months. A re-think of the existing landscape illustrates the changes and opportunities that are imperative to flip the narrative for our workplaces, cultures and people. We need to see DEI in its own right, but also as an enabler of many other important things – explored below. To ignore DEI is the true danger.
Global Equality Collective are commercial partners to Forum Strategy as part of a ‘paid-for partnership’ they have with us. In selecting our partners, we do so with strong reference to their expertise in their field and their commitment to Forum Strategy’s values and ethos.