#TrustLeaders Chief Operating Officer’s Forum


30th April 2020 (9.30am – 12.30pm)

#TrustLeaders Chief Operating Officer’s Network (initial six weeks)

We are delighted to launch our new national network for Chief Operating Officers #TrustCOOs, with an initial seminar and six weeks trial membership period. A warm welcome to all those who have joined already.

This initial Forum, on 30th April, is specifically designed and developed for COOs. Our focus will be on leading through times of change and uncertainty, ensuring our organisations are strategic and efficient in order to be best placed for the challenges ahead.

We will consider:

The current context, the social and economic impact for academy trusts. Operational implications and the questions we need to be asking – Michael Pain, Founder, Forum Strategy

Leading through crisis; lessons from achieving sustainability of a children’s charity through the 2008 financial crisis: David Strudley CBE (former CEO of Rainbow’s and Acorn’s Children’s Hospices)

Innovation, risk management and good decision making through crisis and pressure – lessons from Formula 1: Mark Gallagher (former senior executive at Jordan Grand Prix and Red Bull Racing).

There will be opportunities for COOs to engage in Q & A, and to share practice. Members will also access our fornightly funding and grants briefing services.

The cost of the initial six weeks’ membership is £125 plus VAT. To apply, please email: by 3rd April 2020




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