Thriving Trusts Thinkpiece 4; Reflecting on the culture, capacity and systems that make school improvement at scale an organisational habit Thriving Trusts Thinkpiece 4; Reflecting on the culture, capacity and systems that make school improvement at scale an organisational habitThriving Trusts Thinkpiece 4; Reflecting on the culture, capacity and systems that make school improvement at scale an organisational habitRead More
Members’ Masterclass: Maximising the potential of volunteers to support thriving trusts Members’ Masterclass: Maximising the potential of volunteers to support thriving trustsMembers’ Masterclass: Maximising the potential of volunteers to support thriving trustsRead More
What can academy trusts do to further support pupils, parents/carers and communities during the cost-of-living crisis? What can academy trusts do to further support pupils, parents/carers and communities during the cost-of-living crisis?What can academy trusts do to further support pupils, parents/carers and communities during the cost-of-living crisis?Read More
Thriving Trusts in Practice: In Conversation with Karen Burns, CEO, Victorious Academies Trust Thriving Trusts in Practice: In Conversation with Karen Burns, CEO, Victorious Academies TrustThriving Trusts in Practice: In Conversation with Karen Burns, CEO, Victorious Academies TrustRead More
<strong>Thriving Trusts Thinkpiece 3; Reflections on thriving governance</strong> <strong>Thriving Trusts Thinkpiece 3; Reflections on thriving governance</strong>Thriving Trusts Thinkpiece 3; Reflections on thriving governanceRead More
A trust at the heart of its community – Batley Multi-Academy Trust A trust at the heart of its community – Batley Multi-Academy TrustA trust at the heart of its community – Batley Multi-Academy TrustRead More