Sir Steve Lancashire is Chair of Forum Strategy’s National #TrustLeaders CEO network. Here is his latest monthly article for our members and partners.
One of the many joys of being Chair of the national #TrustLeaders CEO network, delivering on the Being the CEO programme and all of the individual mentoring sessions I’m currently undertaking is having the opportunity to work professionally with a really diverse, talented, extraordinarily committed, and just downright impressive set of people. Oh, by the way, in case you don’t recognise yourself, that’s you reading this. Yes, YOU!
For those who know me well, you know I can be a charmer, can work a room or an audience and, as my mum would say, ‘Have the gift of the gab’. ’You should sell cars’ she used to say ‘Because you could sell coal to miners´ (and other idioms). I actually prefer the Oxford Dictionary definition of this phrase ‘Gift of the gab’ which is ‘the ability to speak with eloquence and fluency.’ But I’m quite sure my mother didn’t mean this.
Whatever she did mean, those (dubious) attributes I mention above are not needed here. Because I’m very genuine when I say that the sector is in good hands when I see just how well our trusts are being led, how there’s an ever-increasing willingness to collaborate for the greater good and how some very substantial problems are being overcome, all with such spirit and humour.