Opening keynote at Lincolnshire Heads’ conference

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Michael Pain opened the Lincolnshire Primary Head teacher’s conference with a keynote on ‘the changing landscape for school leadership and education in 2014’.

The speech covered the major current challenges for education: closing the gap, variability, and a system that prepares pupils to succeed in a changing and more interdependent world. He covered the changes currently taking place in the English education system, particularly the growing autonomy of schools and the implications for leaders. He considered the characteristics of high-performing education systems and districts nationally and asked heads to consider how they could collaborate to ensure their local systems were amongst the very best in the world.

Feedback from the event, which included other keynote speakers such as Sir Humphrey Walters, Sir John Dunford and Steve Munby, was excellent.

32 % considered the input to be excellent, 56% considered it ‘very good’, with a further 11% judging it as ‘good’. Comments included: Informative overview of the current national picture” ;
“A good start to conference which gave information  of  things we never get time to know about.”; “Lots of support and information”; “Good segment to start us off.”






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