24th September 2020

The third National #TrustLeaders Conference will take place online on 24th September with the theme – Purpose and People. Although the theme of the event was confirmed before the COVID19 pandemic, we believe that the importance of both purpose and people is going to be central as CEOs ensure their organisations emerge better, stronger, and ready to thrive in the ‘new normal’. As ever, this is the national event of the year for CEOs and COOs, and we are delighted to be joined by experts and CEOs of leading national organisations in the education sector and beyond.
This event is exclusively for CEOs and COOs (plus a guest of their choice) who are members of the #TrustLeaders network (as of September 2020)
The Keynote Speakers

Michael Pain
Founder & CEO, Forum Strategy

Mark Russell
CEO of the Children's Society

Jo Causon
CEO of the Institute of Customer Service

Raj Tulsiani
CEO of Green Park Consultancy

Amanda Spielman
Chief Inspector at Ofsted

Yusuf Yousuf
'The All-Seeing Hospital Porter'

David Strudley CBE
Associate, Forum Strategy

Sarah Ray
National Networks Director, Forum Strategy
Our Partners

Book your place
To register your place, and the place of your guest, please use the following link. In doing so, you confirm that you are happy for us to share your email details with our online hosts, Trent Vineyard. You must register your place by 31st August 2020.