The 7 Pillars of Improvement at Scale Hub

Michael Pain defined the ‘seven pillars of improvement at scale’ back in 2018. The pillars, which have been used by dozens of trusts to help inform how they shape and define their improvement model at scale, are a set of clear principles that can be readily used and adapted to context. The simplicity of the model is intentional, in that it creates a framework, sets outs some clear characteristics and ‘look fors’, and signposts to ideas that can help trust leaders make their improvement model their own. As always, what is shared here is a starting point for discussion, ideas and practice. We are grateful for the wide range of thinkers and expert practitioners who have contributed their perspectives and experiences in the documentation below – including Paul Ainsworth, Debbie Clinton, and David Horn – all of whom have substantial experience and track record of leading improvement at scale with success. We’re also grateful for inputs and insights from beyond the sector, not least from those leading improvement at scale in the NHS and in the social care sector. Take a look at our wide range of resources, developed over a number of years, below.

7 Pillars of improvement of scale modal

Introductory articles and resources

The 7 pillars of improvement at scale (an introductory overview article)

The 7 pillars of improvement at scale (self reflection / evaluation for executive teams and boards)

Paul Ainsworth's reflections on the overall model

Four barriers to scalable growth – and how to overcome them

Leadership of the improvement model 

Leading the system of improvement - Adam Sewell-Jones, former Director of NHS Improvement

Leading the culture of improvement; A cross-sector perspective – Kathryn Smith, CEO, Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

1. Vision and defining quality improvement

MAT Development: 7 Pillars of Improvement at Scale; 1 – 4

Leading the spread and adoption of innovation and improvement - Diane Ketley, NHS Horizons

Leading Improvement at Scale – Anne Rainsberry, Former NHS CEO

2. Capacity

Thriving Trusts Thinkpiece 4; Reflecting on the culture, capacity and systems that make school improvement at scale an organisational habit

MAT Development: the evolution of a MAT-wide school improvement model through growth

3. Culture and collective commitment

Thriving Trusts – Debbie Clinton, Forum Strategy Associate & former CEO and HMI

Why we must remember how important Headteachers are to the success of a trust - David Horn, former trust CEO & Forum Strategy Associate

4. Real-time and robust data

How Data Savvy is your Board?

Patrick Dunne, Forum Strategy Associate, relects on the characteristics of “Data Savvy” boards

Click here to read

Illustration of two people with jigsaw pieces with a globe behind them - used to illustrate MATs and community working together

In Practice Guide: Pure Accountability

5. Process and project management

Growing and sustaining successful organisations:The strategic imperative of project leadership

MAT Development: 7 pillars of improvement at scale: No. 5, Process

6. Improvement activity / cutting edge practice

Trust-wide CPD: ensuring value, impact and sustainability

David Weston, CEO, Teacher Development Trust

7. Quality assurance

Members’ Breakfast Briefing: Thriving Trusts: growing sustainably and successfully at scale, through high quality peer to peer review across trust schools

This session was led by SPP associate Niki Thomas, who was joined by Karla Martin, acting CEO of the Chelmsford Learning Partnership

Academy Trusts Case Studies

Improvement at Scale Case Study 1: King’s Group Academies