On Monday 25 November, Forum Strategy held the final of three Autumn #TrustLeaders Roundtables, chaired by the former Secretary of State for Education and Skills, Baroness Estelle Morris and Forum Strategy’s CEO, Alice Gregson. Our three Autumn roundtables have focused on timely and strategic topics – accountability reform, recruitment and retention, and curriculum. They have each brought a number of our members together to seek to understand what underlies many of the key issues, to present potential ideas and solutions relating to the topic areas, and to signpost – where possible – to existing best and impactful practice already taking place across the system.
The third roundtable focused on curriculum reform and was attended by a group of members from across our three national trust leaders networks (for CEOs, COOs and Education Leaders). The discussion during the roundtable focused on the following fundamental questions:
- What does an innovative, fit for purpose curriculum look like in 2024, not least where pupil wellbeing and healthy development, a rapidly changing economy, and the evolution of technology are all major considerations?
- How closely does your trust follow the national curriculum? Where have you embarked on innovation within the curriculum and beyond it, that is having a significant impact on pupil outcomes?
- How can trusts continue to balance innovation with the need to follow the national curriculum? Is there a way in which best practice can be better shared?
- What key messages would you share with the Curriculum and Assessment Review, chaired by Professor Becky Francis CBE?
The full report can be accessed below by members of Forum Strategy’s national CEO, COO and Education Leaders networks.
Forum Strategy #TrustLeaders Roundtable: Accountability Reform Report
You can read the report form the Accountability Roundtable held in October by clicking the button below
Forum Strategy #TrustLeaders Roundtable: Recruitment & Retention Report
You can read the report form the Recruitment & Retention Roundtable held in November by clicking the button below