Forum Strategy to launch three new CEO strategy groups.

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An opportunity for all #TrustLeaders members to engage with peers and leading thinkers on key medium- to long-term challenges facing trusts and young people.

As leaders continue to do the important work of managing and responding to the current crisis, our most strategic leaders are also keen to ensure we do not lose sight of bigger trends and developments with longer-term implications. These are issues that will go beyond the current crisis and will have a significant influence upon our organisations and our people – not least the next generation – into the medium to longer-term.

In his recent speech to the National #TrustLeaders Conference ( ), Michael Pain highlighted three areas that will have a profound influence not only on our trusts and young people, but on society generally, in the decade ahead. Our three strategy groups reflect these areas. They are:

Pupil and staff wellbeing.

This group will be chaired by Gary Wilkie, CEO of Learning in Harmony Trust, and attended by Mark Russell, CEO of the Children’s Society and John Brady, CEO of Schools Advisory Service.

Remote working and learning

This group will be chaired by Kath Kelly, CEO of Lionheart Trust and an Ed-Tech Demonstrator School. The group will also be joined by Wrigleys Solicitors, providing insight and guidance on the important legal and compliance implications of remote learning and working, as the sector makes this key shift

Environmental sustainability and climate change

This group will be chaired by Rachael Gacs, Resources and Communications Manager at Forum Strategy and will be attended by Prof. Bill Scott, Professor Emeritus at the University of Bath and Chair of the UK National Association for Environmental Education. 

New research into the priorities of CEOs shows that wellbeing and remote learning and working are both seen as longer term strategic priorities. And, whilst children and young people consider environmental sustainability to be the key issue facing society (and expect their trusts and school leaders to be doing more to model leadership in this area), according to new research, too many trust leaders do not see this as a significant priority for their organisations in the coming years. This third group will look to raise the profile of this issue, working with those trusts who are already planning ahead.

All our #TrustLeaders member CEOs and COOs are welcome to attend and contribute towards the groups. The meetings will take place every six to eight weeks and will provide an opportunity to hear from outside experts, as well as to share practice and ideas. Each group will seek to draw out ideas, case studies, and increase networking and peer to peer learning and support around these issues.

Michael Pain said: “The last six months have been dominated by reactivity and operational leadership. That’s completely understandable and will continue to have its place for some time to come. However, CEOs also go into these tough, demanding jobs to create lasting change and shape a better future, to shape a positive legacy for years to come. Our young people face some complex and critical challenges that will outlast the pandemic and define their lives well into the future. The role of Forum Strategy is to give CEOs the space to be strategic leaders, and that space has never been more needed than today.”


Dates of meetings

The dates of the initial meetings are:
Pupil and Staff Wellbeing – 3rd November 2pm – 3.30pm: 

Remote learning and working – 30th November 9.15am- 10.45am: 

Environmental sustainability – 7th December 9.15am 10.45am: 




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