In September 2023, we ran our first masterclass for members, exploring how trust leaders can harness the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) across trusts. We know, however, that the world of AI is incredibly fast moving and that in the last 6 months, there have been big movements forward in terms of our understanding of how it can be best utilised in education and some of the opportunities and risks of doing so. This masterclass for members will explore some of the updated learning in this space and support you as trust leaders in developing your strategy around AI for your organisation.
For this masterclass, we will be joined by Emma Darcy, Director of Technology for Learning at Denbigh High School (previously working centrally across Chiltern Learning Trust) and Michael Crowther, Associate for Wrigleys Solicitors who will both provide different perspectives on the evolving role of AI within education.
Alice Gregson, CEO at Forum Strategy, will open the session by summarising key research and intelligence around the role of AI across education and beyond from the last 6 months, particularly focusing on how executive leaders are utilising it to move their organisations forward in a range of different ways. Emma Darcy, Director of Technology for Learning at Denbigh High School, then joins us to share where she is seeing the biggest changes in the way AI is being utilised within her own school (and wider trust environment) and to update on the important work being undertaken at a national level through the ‘AI in Education’ advisory group, of which Emma is a panel member. Finally, we will hear from Michael Crowther, Associate at Wrigleys Solicitors, who recently wrote this useful article for members around what trust leaders should be thinking about in relation to AI, drawing on the DfE’s guidance around use of generative AI in education. Michael will be outlining the opportunities and the risks associated with greater use of AI, offering a valuable compliance and legal standpoint which is an important part of weighing up how best to utilise and implement AI tools. Within each input we will, as always, also ensure there is time for you to share learning as a network and to ask any questions or to raise any particular challenges you might have.
This event is open to all individual members of our CEO, COO and Education Executive networks. Please note you must be an individual member of Forum Strategy to attend – if you are struggling to attend personally and would like to nominate someone to attend in your place, please email us at
Please note Wrigley’s Solicitors are part of a paid for partnership with Forum Strategy. When selecting our partners we do so with careful reference to their expertise and their ethos and values.
To book onto this event, please use the following form: