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Changing the lived experiences of our workforce: How can the trust model help us to retain great staff?

11 September 2024 @ 8:30 am - 10:30 am

National data shows that we are losing staff, particularly teachers, from the sector at a concerning rate and with that, we are also struggling to recruit at a level that bridges the gap. Pressures around unmanageable workload, increased accountability and scrutiny, and a lack of work-life balance (among other issues) are forcing people to leave. Without our staff, our organisations will struggle to provide the level of education our young people deserve and we must therefore continue to make the retention of staff a strategic priority.

However, we also know that there are some trusts and schools who are bucking this national trend and are manging to retain their teachers (and wider staff) well, demonstrating that it is possible to address the issues pervading the sector, when we have the right strategies in place. So, what can we learn and share about what works well in retaining great staff? Join us at this special 2 hour online workshop for members, where we will be sharing what we know about how we can change the lived experience of teachers and staff for the better, and in particular, how the trust model can significantly support retention efforts.

This session will be hosted and introduced by Alice Gregson, CEO of Forum Strategy, who will headline the scale of the challenges we face at a national level and some of the potential solutions to them. We will then be joined by three guest speakers. Lisa Fathers, Deputy CEO, Bright Futures Education Trust and Cori Bateman, CEO, Pioneer Learning Trust, will each share the learning from their respective trusts about how they have supported, developed and ultimately retained great people across their organisations and how, in particular, the trust model has been pivotal to this. Following this, we be joined by Ben Gibbs, Forum Strategy Associate & organisational performance specialist, who will share his reflections and learning around how teams and individuals work together effectively, including the importance of psychological safety and a sense of belonging, and how this underpins a great retention strategy. As ever, we will also ensure there is time for members of our networks to share their own learning and practice too.

To join this event, please book using the form below. You must be an individual member of one of our three national networks (CEO, COO or Education Executives) to attend.

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11 September 2024
8:30 am - 10:30 am
Event Category:




Forum Strategy