Environmental Sustainability as a Core
Trust Value and Strategic Priority

Environmental sustainability, Open

Jenn Plews. CEO Northern Star Academies Trust

Northern Star Academies Trust, led by Chief Executive, Jenn Plews, has committed to putting Environmental Sustainability at the core of its mission and vision over the next five years. In this article, Jenn explains why environmental sustainability has become a key priority for NSAT, what the organisation’s plans are for the months and years ahead, and what the trust is doing to make its vision and mission a reality.

‘The board decided to make environmental sustainability a trust-wide strategic priority in early 2020.The dedication to environmental sustainability which already existed within individual schools across the trust gave us a really firm foundation to build upon, and I thought it was important that we tied all the brilliant work that was taking place across NSAT together, by making a trust-wide commitment to sustainability.

The rest of this article is for members only

The rest of this article s for members only. If you are not a member you read about our membership here




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