Developing partnerships: Charities for trusts to connect with

This resource is designed to help academy trusts find and connect with various charities that may offer support and funding opportunities in key areas where we know schools and trusts may need some additional support to keep up with growing demands. In today’s challenging and rapidly changing landscape, forming strategic partnerships with charitable organisations can provide essential resources and support to enhance the impact of your trust.

Within this document, you will find a curated list of charities grouped by theme, such as mental health, workforce, and community support. This compilation aims to streamline the process for trusts to identify potential collaborators and explore available funding opportunities.

We hope this resource will be particularly useful for those leading fundraising efforts or similar initiatives within trusts. By leveraging these connections, trusts can access valuable support and develop partnerships that contribute to the well-being and success of their communities.

Feel free to explore the listed charities and consider reaching out to those that align with your trust’s goals and needs. Please note, there are many more charities available, this list is intended as a starting point from which to develop further work.

Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation is a UK charity with prevention at the heart of everything they do – they aim to find and address the sources of mental health problems.

The Mental Health Foundation is a charity specialising in research and policy development, with a focus on preventing mental health problems.

They have also developed a range of resources for schools and families to help support mental health in children and young people, for parents, caregiver and people working in education.

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Place2Be is a children and young people’s mental health charity with almost 30 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools.

They provide school-based mental health support reaching 243,000 children and young people in the UK. They provide mental health support in schools through one-to-one and group counselling.

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Young Minds

Young Minds are a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents, making sure all young people can get the mental health support they need. They provide young people with the tools to look after their mental health, empower adults to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives, and give young people the space and confidence to get their voices heard.

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Anna Freud

Anna Freud is a world-leading mental health charity for children and families. They work in collaboration with children and young people, their families and communities and mental health professionals to transform children and families’ mental health.

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Teacher and Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health Support

Education Support

Education Support work with individuals and help schools, colleges and universities to improve the mental health and wellbeing of their staff. They also carry out research and advocate for changes in Government policy for the benefit of the education workforce. 

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Teaching Staff Trust

Teaching Staff Trust provides financial support to people working (or who have retired from working) in education for under-19s for five years or more. They aim to make a difference when the unexpected happens by reducing the financial impact of bereavement, serious ill health or injury, relationship breakdown, loss of home or loss of income.

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Now and Beyond

Now and Beyond was founded with the aim of improving access to mental health provision and resources in educational settings. Their annual, virtual (and free!) mental health and wellbeing festival for educational settings will be back during Children’s Mental Health Week 2025.

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Challenging Behaviour Support

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation is a UK charity focussed on the needs of people with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, and their families. They make a difference to the lives of children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, by providing information, support, running workshops, and speaking up for families on a national level.

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Behaviour Support Hub

Behaviour Support Hub is a parent-led, newly registered Charitable organisation, that provides early intervention and long-term support for parent carers. They provide a wide range of programmes tailored to help parent carers navigate the challenges they face and achieve a better quality of life for themselves, their children and their family.

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Family Action – Behaviour Outreach Support Service

Family Action’s Behaviour Outreach Support Service aims to reduce the risk of exclusion and develop the ability of schools to support children displaying behaviour that challenges. Family Action can be commissioned by a local authority, a MAT or an individual school/academy to provide a package of support to meet their needs, including for instance:

  • targeted outreach (1:1 / group)
  • restorative approaches
  • therapeutic interventions
  • training and consultancy
  • parent support
  • assessments and advice

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Cost of Living Financial Support

Turn to Us

Turn2us is a national charity providing practical information and support to end financial insecurity. They help people find out what help they can get if they are struggling to make ends meet.

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The Money Charity

The Money Charity empower people across the UK to develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours to make the most of their money throughout their lives. By proactively providing education, information, advice and guidance to people of all ages and at all stages of life. The Money Charity help them get to grips with their money and increase their Financial Wellbeing.

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Save the Children

Save the Children work alongside children in 115 countries, including the UK.

With global Save the Children members, their shared ambition is that by 2030;

  • no child dies from preventable causes before their fifth birthday
  • all children learn from a quality basic education
  • violence against children is no longer tolerated.

By providing live-saving short-term help, and pushing for deep-rooted social change, Save the Children help children take their future into their own hands

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Parents and Communities


As a national charity, Parentkind gives those with a parenting role a voice in education. They invest substantial resources in representing parent views on their child’s learning to local, regional and national governments and agencies because evidence tells parental participation in education benefits all children in all schools and society as a whole. Parentkind is the network of PTA fundraisers in the UK. They bring specialist fundraising support and advice to parent volunteers so that every school can benefit from a successful PTA.

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HomeStart UK

Home Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging time.

There are around 180 local, independent Home-Starts working in 71% of local authority areas across the UK.

Across all four nations of the United Kingdom last year, thousands of home-visiting volunteers support 43,692 families and 78,900 children to transform their lives.

Families struggling with post-natal depression, isolation, physical health problems, bereavement and many other issues receive the support of a volunteer who will spend around two hours a week in a family’s home supporting them in the ways they need.

Home-Starts across the UK also support families in groups, hold day trips and Christmas parties and help access local services, as well as lots of other support.

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Blue Spark Foundation

Blue Spark support a wide range of projects initiated by many different organisations and individuals. They value academic, vocational, artistic and sporting endeavour in equal measure but they are particularly keen to support projects which will help enhance the self-confidence, team working skills and future employability of children and young people.

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Education Endowment Foundation

The Education Endowment Foundation are an independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement. They do this by supporting schools, colleges, and early years settings to improve teaching and learning through better use of evidence.

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Special Educational Needs and Disability

Birkdale Trust for Hearing Impaired

This charity exists to provide financial support to children and young people who have a hearing impairment and to organisations who provide help to them.

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Range of Support


Shine work with teachers and schools in the North, developing innovative programmes that support the most disadvantaged young people. They also work in partnership with other organisations and funders in those parts of the North with the greatest need to drive systemic change that is locally led.

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Children’s Literacy Charity

The Children’s Literacy Charity’s goal is to close the literacy gap for disadvantaged children, making sure that those who are most behind are not left behind. Working in primary schools in areas of deprivation, they aim to unlock the potential of children who can be up to two years behind where they should be.

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School Home Support

School Home Support are a national education charity working to improve low attendance in schools and maximise educational opportunities for all children.

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National Literacy Trust

The National Literacy Trust work collaboratively in 20 areas of the UK that face the biggest challenges with literacy and where they can make the most difference. They work alongside teachers and football coaches, to librarians and youth leaders – to create bespoke solutions that support literacy at home, in school and in the community.

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The Children’s Society

The Children’s Society are a national charity working to transform the hopes and happiness of young people facing abuse, exploitation and neglect. They support them through their most serious life challenges and campaign tirelessly for the big social changes that will improve the lives of those who need hope most. 

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