Collaborating to Address the Mental Health Challenges for Children & Young People in Education: Roundtable Report May 2024

Children and Young People’s Mental Health Roundtable Event Report May 2024

In an era where the mental health of children and young people has become an increasingly pressing concern, a collective effort is imperative to address the complex challenges they face. On 18 April 2024, fourteen trust leaders, seven business leaders and three charity leaders came together for a Children and Young People’s Mental Health Round Table event. This summary report provides an overview of the discussions and outcomes from the day.

Organised by Forum Strategy in collaboration with the MindForward Alliance, and chaired by Alice Gregson, CEO of Forum Strategy, the event aimed to foster dialogue among stakeholders from education, national charities, and the private sector to explore what further support and commitment can be offered towards improving the wellbeing
of children and young people.

Throughout the day, the discussions revolved around three central themes:

  1. Clarity: on the main issues and causes
  2. Outlining promising practice and future aspirations: what colleagues feel is working well already and what more would we want to do if we could
  3. Identifying actionable steps: what and how each individual, in their respective roles, could do more of and how

By the conclusion of the roundtable, the aim was to distil the collective wisdom and insights garnered from the diverse perspectives present, paving the way for some potential actionable next steps for academy trusts and others in education, in helping to address mental health challenges in children and young people.

Children and Young People’s Mental Health Roundtable Event Report May 2024

You can download the full report by clicking the button below