Being The CEO 2024 Survey

Being the CEO Survey 2024
Being the CEO Survey 2024

Welcome to Forum Strategy’s annual Being The CEO survey. We run this survey to capture key trends and valuable insights into what ‘Being The CEO’ means in the current context. In doing so, it provides a useful opportunity for you, as CEOs, to reflect on your experiences and personal development in the role. It also informs our collective understanding as a sector around how the role is evolving, what the key priorities are for CEOs, and what more can be done to support you going forward,

As we go into the fifth year of the report, we know the context has shifted significantly and we want to hear directly from you about what this means for your leadership and your organisation in the months and years ahead.  The report is arguably one of the most important each year in helping us to share learning across trusts and between the CEOs who lead them.

Please note this survey is completely anonymous unless you choose to provide your details to us at the end of the survey. In any case, the reports findings are always presented anonymously. The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete - you will be redirected once the survey has been completed. We look forward to sharing findings with you in November. Thank you for your support and participation. We hope you find this to be a really useful opportunity for self-reflection.

About you

How long have you been a Chief Executive?

How long have you been a Chief Executive?

Is this your first CEO role?

Is this your first CEO role?

Are you the founding CEO of your current trust?

Are you the founding CEO of your current trust?

What was your professional background prior to being a CEO?

What was your professional background prior to being a CEO?

ONLY ANSWER IF your professional background was teaching: What aspect of your experience best prepared you for the CEO role?

ONLY ANSWER IF your professional background was teaching: What aspect of your experience best prepared you for the CEO role?

ONLY ANSWER IF your professional background was not teaching: What aspect of your experience best prepared you for the CEO role?

ONLY ANSWER IF your professional background was not teaching: What aspect of your experience best prepared you for the CEO role?

Do you feel it is necessary to have been a teacher in order to become a trust CEO?

Do you feel it is necessary to have been a teacher in order to become a trust CEO?

Please could you provide some comments about why you selected your response above

Please could you provide some comments about why you selected your response above

What attracted you to the CEO role? (choose two)

What attracted you to the CEO role? (choose two)

About the role of CEO

What are the main differences you’ve experienced between the CEO role and your previous role? (choose three)

What are the main differences you’ve experienced between the CEO role and your previous role? (choose three)

What has been your key learning point about the CEO role since taking it on? (choose three)

What has been your key learning point about the CEO role since taking it on? (choose three)

Does your trust have a Chief Operating Officer?

Does your trust have a Chief Operating Officer?

If yes, does your Chief Operating Officer have a professional background in the education sector, specifically in schools?

If yes, does your Chief Operating Officer have a professional background in the education sector, specifically in schools?

What key aspects of organisational development are you most confident in overseeing? (choose three)

What key aspects of organisational development are you most confident in overseeing? (choose three)

What key aspects of organisational development are you least confident in overseeing? (choose three)

What key aspects of organisational development are you least confident in overseeing? (choose three)

Where do you spend most of your time as CEO? (choose three and rank them in order of most time spent)

Where do you spend most of your time as CEO? (choose three and rank them in order of most time spent)

Min 1 / Max 10
School Improvement
Sites and health & safety
Relationship with governing board
Media and marketing
Stakeholder relationships (community stakeholders)
Stakeholder relationships (government)
Priorities and development

What are your three main priorities as CEO in the twelve months ahead (choose up to three)

What are your three main priorities as CEO in the twelve months ahead (choose up to three)

What are your key priorities as CEO from one to three years ahead? (choose up to three)

What are your key priorities as CEO from one to three years ahead? (choose up to three)

What do you see as a key challenge for the academy trust sector going forward? (choose up to three)

What do you see as a key challenge for the academy trust sector going forward? (choose up to three)

Where is the cost of living crisis impacting most across your trust so far? (choose up to three)

Where is the cost of living crisis impacting most across your trust so far? (choose up to three)

Where is the cost of living crisis impacting most upon pupils and families (to the best of your knowledge)?(Choose up to three)

Where is the cost of living crisis impacting most upon pupils and families (to the best of your knowledge)?(Choose up to three)

What are your key sources of support and development? (choose up to three)

What are your key sources of support and development? (choose up to three)

Which key stakeholders do you spend the most time working with as a trust? (choose up to three)

Which key stakeholders do you spend the most time working with as a trust? (choose up to three)

Looking to the future

Which key stakeholders would you like to spend more time working with as a trust? (choose up to three)?

Which key stakeholders would you like to spend more time working with as a trust? (choose up to three)?

What are your career intentions over the next five years? (optional)

What are your career intentions over the next five years? (optional)

Is there a leadership (CEO) succession plan in place for your trust?

Is there a leadership (CEO) succession plan in place for your trust?

What do you think are going to be the most likely professional backgrounds of future academy trust CEOs? (Please rank 1-5 with 1 being most likely and 5 being least likely)

What do you think are going to be the most likely professional backgrounds of future academy trust CEOs? (Please rank 1-5 with 1 being most likely and 5 being least likely)

Min 1 / Max 5
Wider public sector
Private sector
Charity sector

Which of the following would you advise aspiring CEOs to undertake to best prepare themselves for a CEO role? (Please rank 1-5 with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important)?

Which of the following would you advise aspiring CEOs to undertake to best prepare themselves for a CEO role? (Please rank 1-5 with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important)?

Min 1 / Max 5
Undertake a CEO development programme (such as Being The CEO or similar)
Undertake shadowing with a current serving CEO
Undertake coaching and/or mentoring
Connect with a network of CEOs to find out more about their experiences and advice
Read books, articles and resources related to the CEO role

Any further comments to add:

Any further comments to add:

Where are you looking to add more capacity in your central team in the next two to three years (select all that apply)?

Where are you looking to add more capacity in your central team in the next two to three years (select all that apply)?

If your trust is looking to grow in the years ahead, which aspects of the trust quality descriptors do you feel most confident in? (further briefing on these can be accessed here: Making the case for trust growth; the pillars, the evidence you’ll need, and not losing sight of the bigger story | Forum Strategy ) (please rate from 1 to 5 with 1 being most confident and 5 being least confident)

If your trust is looking to grow in the years ahead, which aspects of the trust quality descriptors do you feel most confident in? (further briefing on these can be accessed here: Making the case for trust growth; the pillars, the evidence you’ll need, and not losing sight of the bigger story | Forum Strategy ) (please rate from 1 to 5 with 1 being most confident and 5 being least confident)

Min 1 / Max 5
High-Quality and Inclusive Education
School Improvement
Finance and Operations
Governance and Leadership

How many schools do you believe your trust will be running in three years’ time?

How many schools do you believe your trust will be running in three years’ time?

With a new Labour government in place, what would be your main message to this government in relation to education (in no more than 50 words)?

With a new Labour government in place, what would be your main message to this government in relation to education (in no more than 50 words)?