As a new academic year begins with much hope and opportunity ahead, as well as plenty of continuing challenges to address, we thought it would be helpful to share some key articles, resources and a few opportunities too as you plan for the year ahead.

National #TrustLeaders COO Conference

Our national COO network conference will be held on 3rd October, Trent Vineyard Conference Centre, Nottingham. The day will be led and facilitated by Alice Gregson, CEO, Forum Strategy alongside author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Open Strategy, Christian Stadler. The day will include two core elements. Firstly, reflection on and discussion around our current context (including a new government and the opportunities and challenges associated with that for trust leaders), this will be led by our CEO, Alice Gregson. Secondly, we will take time to consider what successful operational leadership looks like during changing and challenging times; exploring key areas of strategic leadership that are important to the success of a thriving trust and critically, areas that will likely experience change and evolution over the months and years ahead.

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from Christian’s extensive experience as a strategist and leading thinker in organisational success and development. If you haven’t already booked, here’s the link: Chief Operating Officer National Network Conference, Trent Vineyard Conference Centre, Nottingham | Forum Strategy

10 tips for Chief Operating Officers

We recognise that the role of COOs (and equivalent roles) is an increasingly vital part of trust executive teams across England, mirroring other industries and sectors where it has long played a key part in organisational success, efficiency and effectiveness. But how can you as a COO, operations director, CFOO or equivalent, ensure you get the very best from the role and add maximum value to the organisation? In this article, we share our learning from several years of running our national COO network: 10 Top Tips for COOs I Forum Strategy

Developing business links and fundraising opportunities

We know that the finances continue to be of significant challenge for trusts and schools and as COOs, you will be exploring as many opportunities as possible to bring further funding in to your trust. In our July network meeting, we heard from Neighbourly UK, an organisation connecting businesses who wish to offer volunteer time, funds or surplus produce to good causes who may be in need of additional support. View our video here from Zoe Colosimo, COO of Neighbourly UK, to consider how linking with Neighbourly can support your trust: Being the COO Neighbourly UK I Forum Strategy

Linked to this, our video on how the trust model can be maximised for greater efficiency and effectiveness may also be of interest: Maximising the trust model I Forum Strategy alongside this case study from TEAM Education Trust about how they have developed business links to support fundraising and resource development efforts: A collaborative approach with local businesses I Forum Strategy and this case study from Rivermead Inclusive Trust: Developing a trust-led service model I Forum Strategy

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for our fortnightly funding and grants briefing too for dozens of potential funding opportunities for trusts and schools.

Taking a lead on environmental sustainability

Developing and delivering on an effective sustainability strategy across trusts continues to be a key leadership priority. Paul Edmond, CFO at HEART Academies Trust, joined our COO network meeting in July to share his thoughts and experiences of how operations leaders can drive forward this work meaningfully – you can access the video from this session here: Developing an effective sustainability approach as operations leaders I Forum Strategy

Alongside this, you may also find this interview with Julie Rowlandson, Sustainability Officer at St Barts MAT useful: An interview with Julie Rowlandson Sustainability Officer I Forum Strategy and this article from Jenn Plews, CEO of North Star Academies Trust, on how they’ve made sustainability a trust-wide priority: Making sustainability a trust-wide priority I Forum Strategy

Ensuring compliance

A core part of a COO’s role is managing risks and ensuring the organisation’s compliance. Graham Shaw, Consultant at Wrigley’s Solicitors, joined us at a recent COO network meeting to share some key lessons learnt around trust compliance – you can view the video here: Lessons learnt around compliance I Forum Strategy You might also find our sixth thriving trusts thinkpiece from Sir Steve Lancashire and Charlie Tebbutt helpful in support of this: Thriving Trusts Thinkpiece 5 I Forum Strategy

Dates for your diary

We have a number of events coming up over the Autumn term you may wish to sign up to (if you haven’t already) and/or save in your diary:

11th September 8.30am-10.30am: Changing the lived experiences of our workforce: How can the trust model help us to retain great staff?

12th September 8.30am-9.30am: Members’ Breakfast Briefing: The Good Childhood Report 2024 with The Children’s Society CEO Mark Russell

24th September 8.30am-10.00am: Leadership safe spaces: How trust leaders can act as catalysts to bring diverse and different communities together

3th October: National COO Conference, Trent Vineyard Conference Centre, Nottingham

Save the date: 21st November 9.30am-12pm: National COO Network Meeting

Remember, you can always keep up to speed with upcoming events through Forum Strategy on this webpage: Events page I Forum Strategy


We hope sharing this selection of events and resources is helpful and look forward to working with you in the weeks and months ahead.

Best wishes