Influencing, informing and engaging the influential as a CEO.

Being The CEO, Members Only, Professional Development

Professor Toby Salt

The past few months have been an intensive period of juggling competing demands and balancing risks and resources. Never before have great multi academy trusts shown their worth more. They have supported school leaders to prioritise their time, filtered and summarised conflicting and overwhelming advice, provided headteachers with essential expert advice and support – from site management to technology, and lobbied for additional resources and consideration. Meanwhile the academies are working hard to define and keep bubbles safe, catch up for lost learning time and trying to create a sense of normality for youngsters where much has changed and worried them.

I mention all this as I watch with admiration CEOs and heads skilfully making the right calls and being pragmatic and calm under intense pressure (even if underneath they are stressed and exhausted!) No one thought that they would be managing a pandemic when they stepped up to the plate to lead. This has led me to reflect on how I would have felt.

“I watch with admiration CEOs and heads skilfully making the right calls and being pragmatic and calm under intense pressure”




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