6 big themes for CEOs to bear in mind in the coming months

Being The CEO, Members Only, Thriving Trusts

The world, and our society as a whole, is currently in a state of flux. As CEOs seek to ‘manage’ the present, they must also anticipate and begin to lead their organisations into a new future. The coming months are a time for deepening our contextual wisdom, says Michael Pain.

The impact of the pandemic is far reaching and the consequences for our organisations are huge. New research tells us that whilst 90% of executives believe the crisis will fundamentally change the way they work over the next 5 years, only 21% believe they have the expertise, resources and commitment to adapt successfully. Two thirds believe this will be the most challenging moment ever in their executive career. Much of this anxiety about the future, I suspect, is down to a blend of fatigue, the overwhelming need to be focused on being reactive, and a general sense of uncertainty across the economy and wider society about what will come next. The good news is there are some strategic certainties and trends emerging that can already help us to begin to plan ahead.




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