Leading on Diversity, Inclusion and belonging

“A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.” — Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google 

Leadership has always required the ability to bring together people from a variety of backgrounds, and with different experiences, beliefs and approaches. Academy trust CEOs – like all CEOs in today’s context – must now see securing diversity at all levels as an imperative, not only for ensuring their trusts are more reflective of the communities they serve, but also as a profound opportunity to build better organisations. 

Developing a diverse team means many things to many people. It of course means hiring, retaining and developing people with diverse characteristics to ensure you have individuals with protected characteristics (Protected characteristics | Equality and Human Rights Commission (equalityhumanrights.com) fairly represented at all levels of your organisation. Just as importantly though, diversity also means allowing for and encouraging diversity of thought, expertise, approach and personality.

The rest of this article is for members only

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